Saturday, September 25, 2010

10 things I learned in my 20's

10 things I learned in my 20's

1. If you don't know what to do with your life, start with the opportunities that are in front of you. DO SOMETHING!
2. Don't ignore that old girlfriend you compare every other girl to. With a little persistence you can win her heart! Still can't believe I scored such an amazing wife, love you babe.
3. Raising a child is a lot of work, and is also one of the funnest and most rewarding things you can do with your life. There is nothing like getting home and having your child run and give you a big bear hug, absolutely the best!
4. Humility is all about surrendering your will to someone else's. It's not about lacking confidence.
5. Don't get stuck in life's small details. When the details are weighing you down choose to focus on the bigger vision.
6. Loving God goes hand in hand with loving people. Don't let religion crowd out real relationships.
7. Being cool is way overrated.
8. Travel the path less travelled, make your own. It may take longer to get where you want to go, but it's a lot more fun and you learn things no one else can teach you.
9. Be yourself even when people want you to change. Chances are that you are the change people really want.
10. Find out what you are good at and enjoy doing, then do it.

Tim Coburn

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Tim Coburn