Friday, May 20, 2011

3 Keys to Effective Leadership

Proverbs 20:28 MSG"Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity."
As I think about different leaders that have influenced and impacted my life I can remember a lot of great people and a few, less great, people.

But this scripture definitely nails the leadership characteristics that have helped me to develop:

1. "If you don't care about me I don't care about you." As a leader we must truly love and care for those that are following us. If you don't your influence will dry up quickly.

2. "Your life has to be grounded in truth." If you are someone that is following your own thoughts and dreams your plans will fail. If you allow God to lead your life with his truth and direction you will find yourself working with God and not against Him.

3. "Keep it real." When I was young I wouldn't listen to anyone if I felt like they where in-authentic. If I felt like they where trying to put up a front, manipulate me, control me or pull some religious trickery. But if I understood their faithfulness to God and respected how they lived their life I would listen and allow them some influence over my life.

Loving, grounded, authentic leaders is what we need more of because those kind of people are changing the world by influencing lives, one person and meaningful relationship at a time.

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Tim Coburn