Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Courageous Experimentation & Avoiding Regret

Regret is something to avoid at all cost. There is nothing that can distract us from enjoying the present like considering the "what if's" of the past. Maybe there is something that is in your heart to do, or pursue or become. Maybe you have a dream that you have always been to afraid to pursue. Maybe you don't want to fail, but the only true failure is never trying.

Those that are the most successful are those that have learned what not to do & what to do through courageous experimentation. I know I usually drop a Bible verse here, but this time I will not. Not because there isn't one to reference in regards to this but because I think this is a topic that we all know in our hearts to be true.

Here are 3 tips on how to avoid regret:
1. Pursue your dreams, but use wisdom. You may be on to something, but you may not. So don't put all your eggs in one basket. Take one small step at a time in your pursuit.

2. Ask those around you if you should pursue what you are considering. Ask someone who will be honest with you. Not a "yes" man or woman but someone who will give it to you straight, even if it hurts.

3. If it doesn't work out don't stop pursuing your dreams. Fall forward, failure is one step closer to success. Failure is the currency of success, there is a cost.

What will you pursue with courageous experimentation? What regret will you avoid?

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Tim Coburn