Monday, August 22, 2011


Colossians 3:1-2 "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Perspective: its something thats hard to maintain especially if your a details person. I know I can get so caught up in the details of life, relationships, family, projects, work, and everything in between that I forget what this life is supposed to be about.

I know Jesus, Moses, Elijah and many others have retreated to the "mountain" to connect with God. Many times people talk about pursuing the presence of Jesus on the "mountain". For me I go to the "mountain" not only to retreat from the details of the world, but to get perspective on those details. To seek a clearer glimpse of where God is, where his kingdom is and how to get to where I need to be, which ultimately is with Him.

In Exodus 25-31 Moses retreats to the "mountain". Moses then records 6 long chapters of detailed instructions of how he was to lead the people of God. These six chapters start with, "The Lord spoke to Moses". Moses received God's vision, (the presence of God), the core values (ten commandments), and the details (6 chapters of them) all on the "mountain" with God. As leaders we must go to the "mountain" not just to escape but to encounter. We must go expectantly, trusting that God will grant us perspective to see Him and to see how to fulfill the purposes that He has for us and His people.

Take some time today and go to God, go to Him expectantly, pursuing Him, and pursuing a vision of His kingdom and how to get to where He wants you to be.

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Tim Coburn